Barbershop Music

The Dominotes
Barbershop music has four parts: tenor, lead, baritone and bass – with melodies that are easily remembered. Barbershop harmonic structure is characterized by:
* a strong bass line
* melody in an internal part
* complete chords without any non-chord tones
* mostly major triads, dominant 7th chords and dominant 9th chords
with other chords used in passing as required by the implied harmony
* traditional harmonic movement and resolutions
Barbershop has a recognizable form using lyrics that are clear and understandable. Properly tuned barbershop chords are congruent with the physics of sound, creating an overtone when sung at their best.
Energy and physical involvement are required from the barbershop singer in a degree of intensity not usually found in other choral forms. An important and vital part of an uptune is rhythmic interest.
Barbershop music is emotionally satisfying to both the listener and the performer.
But the best part is ……….You can’t do it alone!
* a strong bass line
* melody in an internal part
* complete chords without any non-chord tones
* mostly major triads, dominant 7th chords and dominant 9th chords
with other chords used in passing as required by the implied harmony
* traditional harmonic movement and resolutions
Barbershop has a recognizable form using lyrics that are clear and understandable. Properly tuned barbershop chords are congruent with the physics of sound, creating an overtone when sung at their best.
Energy and physical involvement are required from the barbershop singer in a degree of intensity not usually found in other choral forms. An important and vital part of an uptune is rhythmic interest.
Barbershop music is emotionally satisfying to both the listener and the performer.
But the best part is ……….You can’t do it alone!